
You point, you click, you multitask. Every single thing that’s ever been put on film or video is now alive inside of this steering wheel you operate every day. Things are constantly winking and blinking at you from every square inch of your backlit miracle machine. Never has too much meant so little.

Lately we have been hearing murmurs about the revolution in “women’s content” and seeing dribs and drabs of awesome media slip through. And to that we say, YAY!

But we are tired of waiting. We are tired of sifting through the mess and scrounging from the bottom of the bowl to find things that matter to people like us.

We created WIFEY to give you a place where you can always go to watch something that’s actually compelling. Complicated . Real. Funny. Sexy. Alive. Like you. Welcome.

It’s pretty simple: Every day you can expect new things to watch. We’ll be digging in the dirt to find the stuff that excites or amuses us, and we’ll be making our own stuff, too.

Warmly (my god, don’t you hate when people say warmly)

Jill and Rebecca