French comedian Remi Gaillard's new YouTube hit follows him around town as he simulates sex with cute young women who are totally unaware of what he's doing. It's supposed to be funny, but I saw it as a kind of fascinating dramatization of the day to day reality we're told is just unavoidable human nature. (Men can't help it.) It totally reminded me of that yucky violated way I'd feel when I was walking down the street, minding my own mind, and a guy'd tell me what he wanted to do to me, or some other totally unwelcome piece of sexual "flattery". Because it's not like these women are engaging in the act. As Amanda Marcotte says in Slate, "I hate to be nitpicky, but: Since the point of the joke is that the women are non-consenting, then it's not really simulated sex so much as simulated rape. Funny!" Almost 5 million people seem to think so, so far.
i lov you
Yes i do
Hi baby
i m man i think yes 9611198876
hiii darling
Hey wats your name
Hy sweet