Dear Golden Globes,.
First of all, I love you. You have always been my favorite awards. You bring drinking and irreverence to an otherwise predictable awards season. You make movie people hang out with tv people. You have trailblazed, singling out shows and movies that snootier awards have been slower to recognize. Plus, you gave one to Madonna that time..
But we need to talk. There’s this thing you always do that’s not working for me anymore. Please don’t get defensive. I know how bitchy the other award shows can be and I’m not here to shame you. But this one thing, it’s got to stop..
I’m talking about MISS GOLDEN GLOBE. You know, your yearly head-scratching tradition of stopping the celebration of excellence in television and film to acknowledge that the daughter of a famous person is pretty. How about not doing that anymore? Here’s a few thoughts on why..
First, it never isn’t an awkward moment of the broadcast, stopping the flow of jokes and entertainment to have a tiny creepy debutante ball. It bombs. Every time..
Then there’s the fact that parading a silent teenage girl—or this year, girls!-- in a sparkly gown in front of everyone for their pleasure and approval feels at best outdated. At worst, pretty damn degrading. Not just for her, but for every woman in attendance— the female actors, writers, directors, and producers, all working in an industry where equal pay and representation are a battle to be fought every day..
But putting the feminism on hold for a hot second, let’s talk nepotism. What exactly is the Miss Golden Globe tradition saying to young people, watching at home, dreaming the great American dream of making it in Hollywood? With enough gumption, resilience and hard work, maybe one day you too can be…. one of Sylvester Stallone’s daughters from his third wife! Cue sad trombone noise..
So, please consider my request to leave this whole Miss Golden Globe thing in the past. Like belted sanitary napkins and lack of legal access to contraception. Maybe, in its place, you could acknowledge a young student filmmaker, or a groundbreaking web series. A promising voice, instead of just a lucky pretty face. Wouldn’t that be cool? Turning the globe toward the future, instead of the past?.
Until then, stay golden..
Annie Weisman.