Feminist or Misogynist?
This murky, messed up world we live in can make it hard to tell whether or not things empower women. That's why we made up 'Feminist or Misogynist'! We tried it out at the party we threw to celebrate THE BOOK OF JEZEBEL:An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Lady Things which is the feminist coffee table book of your dreams, even if you've never had any feminist dreams. If you haven't, you should try sleeping with this book, because it has a soft, puffy cover with a sexy picture on it. Inside, it's like a World Book of woman-ness, which will fill your heart with lady-pride, give you hope for the Future of Females, and instantly signify to everyone who sees it that you are a righteous, lady-loving person. You should buy one for everyone you know unless they hate women or you want them to be vaporized by a death ray in the agender alien apocalypse.
Here's the website where you can find out more about the book, the amazing Anna Holmes who made the book happen and the other world-altering women who helped. Keep an eye out -- at least one of them (hint: Amanda Hess!) is featured in our video!